1. Should government be responsible for keeping consumers safe?
In my opinion, I believe that government should responsible for keeping consumers safe. Nowadays, some companies provide unqualified or unhealthy products in order to earn money. However, consumers sometimes cannot recognize unqualified produces. Moreover, some consumers are allured by certain kind of unhealthy produces, such as cigarette and fast food. Under such circumstance, government should be responsible for consumers in terms of keeping them safe. They should examine all the products before these products are sold in the market. For those unhealthy produces, government should control it.
5. Should individuals be free to choose risky behavior if they want to? Explain.
It is not easy to answer this question. In my opinion, I think whether individuals have freedom to choose risky behavior is depend on different situations. For children and teenagers, I believe that there is no freedom for them to choose risky behavior. They are not able to make this kind of decision without parents. For adults, it is even more complex. On the one hand, some kind of risky behaviors do not influence other people, such as camping, bungee jumping, and smoking. In these cases, individuals can choose what they want. On the other hand, some kind of risky behaviors are impact on others. For instance, if someone uses heroin or other kind of drugs, it is very likely for them to commit a crime. So, individuals cannot choose those kinds of risky behaviors even they want to.
June 3, 2007
May 31, 2007
research project----presentation
1. I really enjoyed the presentations. All the presentations were interesting. Everyone had their own style and did a good job. i believe all of us learn a lot from each presentation.
2. In fact I learned a lot about presentation techniques. One of the most important thing is the tone of voice. It is really important to present clearly and laudly. Moreover, contacting with audience is also necessary. If you look at the audience when you are presenting, audience are more interested in your presentation and more concentrate on it.
3. Doing a presentation with PowerPoint makes the presentation more interesting and clearer. However, it really costs a lot of time to do the PowerPoint. When I prepared my presentation, I just put the times and difficult companies’ name, etc on the PowerPoint. Otherwise I would not have enough time to practice the presentation.
4. Generally, I was satisfied with my presentation. The audience was interested with my topic and they asked different questions. Although some questions were difficult to answer, Lili helped me to explain. On the other hand, because I feel nerves while presenting, I read from the note sometimes.
2. In fact I learned a lot about presentation techniques. One of the most important thing is the tone of voice. It is really important to present clearly and laudly. Moreover, contacting with audience is also necessary. If you look at the audience when you are presenting, audience are more interested in your presentation and more concentrate on it.
3. Doing a presentation with PowerPoint makes the presentation more interesting and clearer. However, it really costs a lot of time to do the PowerPoint. When I prepared my presentation, I just put the times and difficult companies’ name, etc on the PowerPoint. Otherwise I would not have enough time to practice the presentation.
4. Generally, I was satisfied with my presentation. The audience was interested with my topic and they asked different questions. Although some questions were difficult to answer, Lili helped me to explain. On the other hand, because I feel nerves while presenting, I read from the note sometimes.
Research project----writing
1. My writing skill improves by doing this research project. In fact, it was my first time to write a research paper. At the beginning, I didn’t know how to right this kind of paper. I used a few days to think my introduction and the first main idea. However, when I finally finished the first main idea, things became easier. I can write quickly. I think that’s because my writing skill was improving during the writing. Now, I can write quickly and feel more confident.
2. By writing research paper, I improve some skill. I learn how to collect information in library and database. In the past, I always go to google to collect information. Now, I can use library and database to find out academic information. It is more convenient. I also learn how to separate all the information and put them into different main ideas. It is very important because the information from different articles is mixed. Furthermore, I also improve the skill of paraphrasing. At the beginning of writing, I always confused with paraphrasing. Sometimes the sentence in the article was already very simple. So I didn’t know how to paraphrase it. I just quoted the sentence. However, When Lili read my first draft, she taught me how to paraphrase this kind of sentence. After that, paraphrasing becomes easier.
3. Of course, my research paper is not perfect. But, I already tried my best to write it. I think in my paper, I should point out that my research paper based on US. I didn’t notice that. Moreover, I gave a lot of general information and also background. Although it was not the most important idea in my paper, if I didn’t write that information, maybe other people would confuse with some main arguments. Generally, I think my research is OK.
2. By writing research paper, I improve some skill. I learn how to collect information in library and database. In the past, I always go to google to collect information. Now, I can use library and database to find out academic information. It is more convenient. I also learn how to separate all the information and put them into different main ideas. It is very important because the information from different articles is mixed. Furthermore, I also improve the skill of paraphrasing. At the beginning of writing, I always confused with paraphrasing. Sometimes the sentence in the article was already very simple. So I didn’t know how to paraphrase it. I just quoted the sentence. However, When Lili read my first draft, she taught me how to paraphrase this kind of sentence. After that, paraphrasing becomes easier.
3. Of course, my research paper is not perfect. But, I already tried my best to write it. I think in my paper, I should point out that my research paper based on US. I didn’t notice that. Moreover, I gave a lot of general information and also background. Although it was not the most important idea in my paper, if I didn’t write that information, maybe other people would confuse with some main arguments. Generally, I think my research is OK.
May 27, 2007
improving academic performance----study habit
In September, I will start my first semester in Concordia University. This article is very useful for me, it teaches me how to improve the academic performance.
In order to study easily and effectively, developing study habit is very important. A lot of students study in university but they cannot get good academic performance. Why? One reason is that they don’t arrange their studying. Since I took an independent course in Concordia, I have realized the importance of studying schedule. At the beginning of the course, I really had the ambition to preview and review for each section. However, it only happened for the first section. I always made excuses to escape studying. Until the first middle term exam came. I had trouble. I had no choice but reviewed the book and all the notes in one week. I was lucky because I only chose one course at that time. I still had time to prepare the exam. Imagine if I had taken 4 courses, what would happen for me. After that warning, I forced myself to make a schedule and studied follow that schedule. It really worked. During the final time, I only need to do some model tests. Finally, I got good mark in that course. On the contrary, one of my friends studied all night in library before his economic exam. However, he told me that he didn’t do it very well.
It is truth that when you have a schedule, it is still hard to follow it. Rewarding yourself a little payoff is necessary. For instance, you can get the favorite food or hanging out with friends after you finish studying. I believe this method can encourage your motivation.
In order to study easily and effectively, developing study habit is very important. A lot of students study in university but they cannot get good academic performance. Why? One reason is that they don’t arrange their studying. Since I took an independent course in Concordia, I have realized the importance of studying schedule. At the beginning of the course, I really had the ambition to preview and review for each section. However, it only happened for the first section. I always made excuses to escape studying. Until the first middle term exam came. I had trouble. I had no choice but reviewed the book and all the notes in one week. I was lucky because I only chose one course at that time. I still had time to prepare the exam. Imagine if I had taken 4 courses, what would happen for me. After that warning, I forced myself to make a schedule and studied follow that schedule. It really worked. During the final time, I only need to do some model tests. Finally, I got good mark in that course. On the contrary, one of my friends studied all night in library before his economic exam. However, he told me that he didn’t do it very well.
It is truth that when you have a schedule, it is still hard to follow it. Rewarding yourself a little payoff is necessary. For instance, you can get the favorite food or hanging out with friends after you finish studying. I believe this method can encourage your motivation.
May 16, 2007
Last Tuesday, I went to a public lecture. The lecture talked about palliative care. Actually, it was my first time to go to an English public lecture. I really enjoyed the whole process. From this lecture, I gain some information about palliative care. Moreover, the most important thing is that I learn how to do a good presentation. First of all, eye connect is very important. Comparing the 3 speakers in the lecture, when the first speaker was reading her notes, I realized that she was not prepared very well. However, when Dr. Borasio was presenting his lecture, I could feel that he was confident and prepared very well. The second factor I learned from this lecture is that explaining take a very important role during a presentation. During the lecture, Dr. Borasio didn’t explain more about the disease. Therefore, it was very hard for me to understand certain parts. Generally, it was really a good experience for me. In the future, I hope I can do my presentation very well.
May 8, 2007
Population problem is a serious problem in the world. In some countries, especially in some developing countries, population grows very fast. For these countries, it is very necessary to have family plan. Take China as an example. China has one child police, and it works quite well. Now, the population growth slows down in China. On the contrary, many developed countries’ birth rate is decrease. Nowadays, in order to have a better quality of life, both women and men have to work. The consequence is women focus more on their carrier. They have children very late. Some of them even don’t want to have children. Under such circumstance, government should do something to encourage people to have children. They can offer benefits for parents who have more than one child. They also can open border for immigration.
May 6, 2007
My grandparents have 5 children (father’s side have 3, mother’s side have 2). My parents have two children, me and my twin sister. In the future, I want to have 2 children, so they can play with each other and not feel lonely.
China almost has 13 hundred million people. The big population causes some problems. Citizens don’t have enough space to live. Food is not enough in some area. Big competition makes people feel stress all the time.
Now, the world population is more than 60 hundred million.
There are lots of factors that control or regulate animal species, such as natural enemies and loss habitat. Because of the expanded population, human don’t have enough space to live. As a result, they destroy animal’s habitat and build their own place to live.
In my opinion, whether or not government control population growth depends on the population in the country. If some country don’t have population problem, government don’t need to control the population. However, if a country have serious population problem, I strongly believe that government should control it. China is a typical example. One-child policy was promulgated in 1949. If government hadn’t promulgated the policy, China would have had 15 hundred million people.
My grandparents have 5 children (father’s side have 3, mother’s side have 2). My parents have two children, me and my twin sister. In the future, I want to have 2 children, so they can play with each other and not feel lonely.
China almost has 13 hundred million people. The big population causes some problems. Citizens don’t have enough space to live. Food is not enough in some area. Big competition makes people feel stress all the time.
Now, the world population is more than 60 hundred million.
There are lots of factors that control or regulate animal species, such as natural enemies and loss habitat. Because of the expanded population, human don’t have enough space to live. As a result, they destroy animal’s habitat and build their own place to live.
In my opinion, whether or not government control population growth depends on the population in the country. If some country don’t have population problem, government don’t need to control the population. However, if a country have serious population problem, I strongly believe that government should control it. China is a typical example. One-child policy was promulgated in 1949. If government hadn’t promulgated the policy, China would have had 15 hundred million people.
May 2, 2007
Happiness is very important in our life. Every people use his or her own way to achieve happiness. For me, the best way to achieve happiness is to build up a harmonious relationship with people in my life. I can share my experiences, hopes and dreams, successes and frustrations, joys and pains with my family and friends. Those people can bring me happiness!
From this unit, I learned a lot of interesting information about happiness. Now, I know that some factors can influence happiness; each person has her or his own personal baseline of happiness, etc. I also learned a new method to collect information from articles---map, which is more visual and clear.
From this unit, I learned a lot of interesting information about happiness. Now, I know that some factors can influence happiness; each person has her or his own personal baseline of happiness, etc. I also learned a new method to collect information from articles---map, which is more visual and clear.
April 23, 2007
extended definition of happiness
Happiness is a kind of emotional feeling of pleasure or satisfaction. Different people may have different ideas with regard to the ways of achieving happiness, such as wealth, educational achievements and fame. However, some people achieve happiness from simple everyday pleasure. Being a happiness person has some advantages. For instance, happiness person is healthier than sadness person. Moreover, if a person who is a happiness guy, she or he can bring other people a good mood.
April 22, 2007
Recycling garbage is good or not
Nowadays, many people concern about the garbage we threw can bring serious pollution. Finding a method to deal with the garbage is very important. Recycling seems to be one of the best solutions, however, there exist many argues about recycling garbage.
Recycling garbage can help factory saves energy. The EIA (Energy Information Administration) states that “a paper mill uses 40 percent less energy to make paper from recycled paper than it does to make paper from fresh lumber.” Critics often argue that in the overall processes, it can take more energy to produce recycled products than it does to dispose of them in traditional landfill methods.
It is difficult to determine the exact amount of energy consumed in waste disposal processes. How much energy is used in recycling depends largely on the type of material being recycled and the process used to do so. Aluminum is generally agreed to use far less energy when recycled rather than being produced from scratch. The EPA states that “recycling aluminum cans, for example, save 95 percent of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from its virgin source.”
Recycling garbage can help government save more money. The amount of money actually saved through recycling is proportional to the efficiency of the recycling program used to do it. The institute for local self-reliance argues that the cost of recycling depends on various factors around a community that recycles, such as landfill fees and the amount of disposal that the community recycles. It states that communities start to save money when they treat recycling as a replacement for their traditional waste system rather than an add-on to it and by "redesigning their collection schedules or trucks."
In many cases the cost of recyclable materials also exceeds the cost of raw materials. Virgin plastic resin costs 40% less than recycled resin. Additionally, an EPA study that tracked the price of clear cullet from July 15 to August 2, 1991, found that the average cost per ton ranged from $40 to $60, while a report shows that the cost per ton of raw silica sand from years 1993 to 1997 fell between $17.33 and $18.10.
Recycling garbage can save trees. In a 1990 recycling awareness pamphlet the EPA stated, "Every ton of paper recovered for recycling saves 17 trees from being cut down to make new paper." However, Economist Steven Landsburg has claimed that paper recycling actually reduces tree populations. He argues that because paper companies have incentives to replenish the forests they own, large demands for paper lead to large forests. Conversely, reduced demand for paper leads to fewer "farmed" forests.
Recycling garbage can help factory saves energy. The EIA (Energy Information Administration) states that “a paper mill uses 40 percent less energy to make paper from recycled paper than it does to make paper from fresh lumber.” Critics often argue that in the overall processes, it can take more energy to produce recycled products than it does to dispose of them in traditional landfill methods.
It is difficult to determine the exact amount of energy consumed in waste disposal processes. How much energy is used in recycling depends largely on the type of material being recycled and the process used to do so. Aluminum is generally agreed to use far less energy when recycled rather than being produced from scratch. The EPA states that “recycling aluminum cans, for example, save 95 percent of the energy required to make the same amount of aluminum from its virgin source.”
Recycling garbage can help government save more money. The amount of money actually saved through recycling is proportional to the efficiency of the recycling program used to do it. The institute for local self-reliance argues that the cost of recycling depends on various factors around a community that recycles, such as landfill fees and the amount of disposal that the community recycles. It states that communities start to save money when they treat recycling as a replacement for their traditional waste system rather than an add-on to it and by "redesigning their collection schedules or trucks."
In many cases the cost of recyclable materials also exceeds the cost of raw materials. Virgin plastic resin costs 40% less than recycled resin. Additionally, an EPA study that tracked the price of clear cullet from July 15 to August 2, 1991, found that the average cost per ton ranged from $40 to $60, while a report shows that the cost per ton of raw silica sand from years 1993 to 1997 fell between $17.33 and $18.10.
Recycling garbage can save trees. In a 1990 recycling awareness pamphlet the EPA stated, "Every ton of paper recovered for recycling saves 17 trees from being cut down to make new paper." However, Economist Steven Landsburg has claimed that paper recycling actually reduces tree populations. He argues that because paper companies have incentives to replenish the forests they own, large demands for paper lead to large forests. Conversely, reduced demand for paper leads to fewer "farmed" forests.
April 13, 2007
April 12, 2007
How safe is your child's school bus?

Yesterday, a school bus crashed with a truck in Brampton, Ontario. This accident caused 2 children wounding, one of them got serious injuring. In some cities, children were killed by the school bus accidents few months ago. Many parents start to wonder about the safety of school buses, and most of them want school buses to have seat belts.
Transportation experts believe school buses are actually safer than other forms of school transport, including the family car. School buses are better designed since 1977. It is safer and more comfortable than before. Some school buses even have Global Positioning Systems and computerized controls now. An average of 815 die using all forms of school transport, about 31% per year die while boarding or getting off the bus, so the newest buses designed focus on helping drivers see students outside the bus.
Many people suggest that putting seat belts in school buses can make them safer. Few states already have buses come with seat belts, more and more states consider using seat belts. However, if seat belts are put in school buses, the capacity of the bus will reduce 17%.
Transportation surveys show that the percentage of public school students riding school buses is decreasing. There are a number of reasons. First of all, many busy parents want to spend more time with their children, so they choose driving their children to school. Secondly, some parents not reassure about leaving their children in someone else’s care. Thirdly, many parents recall their own experiences riding school buses in the past and worry their children will have similar experiences.
In my opinion, I believe that school buses are designed better than before. There are many new technologies on the buses that can help drivers see children clearly when children are boarding or getting off. In additional, if the accident happens, seat belts can decrease the dangerous of children. Furthermore, school bus drivers have to take responsibility for children. They should drive more carefully. For example, when they see the yellow light, they should stop the bus instead of running through yellow light. If the buses are better designed and drivers are drive carefully, more and more parents may be pleasure to let their children ride school buses.
Transportation experts believe school buses are actually safer than other forms of school transport, including the family car. School buses are better designed since 1977. It is safer and more comfortable than before. Some school buses even have Global Positioning Systems and computerized controls now. An average of 815 die using all forms of school transport, about 31% per year die while boarding or getting off the bus, so the newest buses designed focus on helping drivers see students outside the bus.
Many people suggest that putting seat belts in school buses can make them safer. Few states already have buses come with seat belts, more and more states consider using seat belts. However, if seat belts are put in school buses, the capacity of the bus will reduce 17%.
Transportation surveys show that the percentage of public school students riding school buses is decreasing. There are a number of reasons. First of all, many busy parents want to spend more time with their children, so they choose driving their children to school. Secondly, some parents not reassure about leaving their children in someone else’s care. Thirdly, many parents recall their own experiences riding school buses in the past and worry their children will have similar experiences.
In my opinion, I believe that school buses are designed better than before. There are many new technologies on the buses that can help drivers see children clearly when children are boarding or getting off. In additional, if the accident happens, seat belts can decrease the dangerous of children. Furthermore, school bus drivers have to take responsibility for children. They should drive more carefully. For example, when they see the yellow light, they should stop the bus instead of running through yellow light. If the buses are better designed and drivers are drive carefully, more and more parents may be pleasure to let their children ride school buses.
April 8, 2007
Building super skyscrapers is a good idea
Nowadays, more and more people start to argue whether building skyscrapers is a good idea. Many opponents wonder whether super high skyscrapers are safe enough. They also wonder the economic problem about super skyscrapers. However, in my opinion, I believe that building super high skyscrapers is a good idea for the city where have fast growing population.
The fast growing population is a very serious problem in all over the world, especially in some cities. Today, the world population is more than sixty billion. Only in china, the population is thirteen billion. According to predict, in the year 2050, the world population will achieve eighty billion; fifteen billion people will live in China. The increase of population causes the fact that each person has limited space. Also the land for farming is decrease. As a result, building super high skyscrapers is the only solution for this problem. If we have the super high skyscrapers, we can put different service facilities inside the buildings, which can save a lot of space on the land. Moreover these service facilities in the building can bring people convenience.
New construction technologies make the dream of building super high skyscrapers becoming true. Since the new material (steel) is used to build buildings, constructing skyscrapers become possible. The first skyscraper was called Home Insurance Building, which was built in Chicago in 1885. After that, more and more skyscrapers have been built in all over the world. Nowadays, in order to make sure the super high skyscrapers are safe enough, designers and engineers take many factors into account, such as earthquakes, wind speed, foundations and so on. They do some experiments to find out the way to solve problems. After the super high skyscrapers completed, we can say that they are safe enough.
Building super high skyscrapers is not only the way to solve the fast growing problem, but also becomes the symbols in cities. Today the highest super high skyscraper is Taipei 101. It is 1671 feet high and located in Taipei. This skyscraper becomes a symbol in the city. Today, other cities like Tokyo, Dubai already starts to plan to build a higher one in the future.
Building super high skyscrapers is the only solution for fast growing population in the world. The successful new technologies make the dream becomes possible. More and more skyscrapers will build in the future. They will become the symbols in the cities, even in the world!
The fast growing population is a very serious problem in all over the world, especially in some cities. Today, the world population is more than sixty billion. Only in china, the population is thirteen billion. According to predict, in the year 2050, the world population will achieve eighty billion; fifteen billion people will live in China. The increase of population causes the fact that each person has limited space. Also the land for farming is decrease. As a result, building super high skyscrapers is the only solution for this problem. If we have the super high skyscrapers, we can put different service facilities inside the buildings, which can save a lot of space on the land. Moreover these service facilities in the building can bring people convenience.
New construction technologies make the dream of building super high skyscrapers becoming true. Since the new material (steel) is used to build buildings, constructing skyscrapers become possible. The first skyscraper was called Home Insurance Building, which was built in Chicago in 1885. After that, more and more skyscrapers have been built in all over the world. Nowadays, in order to make sure the super high skyscrapers are safe enough, designers and engineers take many factors into account, such as earthquakes, wind speed, foundations and so on. They do some experiments to find out the way to solve problems. After the super high skyscrapers completed, we can say that they are safe enough.
Building super high skyscrapers is not only the way to solve the fast growing problem, but also becomes the symbols in cities. Today the highest super high skyscraper is Taipei 101. It is 1671 feet high and located in Taipei. This skyscraper becomes a symbol in the city. Today, other cities like Tokyo, Dubai already starts to plan to build a higher one in the future.
Building super high skyscrapers is the only solution for fast growing population in the world. The successful new technologies make the dream becomes possible. More and more skyscrapers will build in the future. They will become the symbols in the cities, even in the world!
April 7, 2007
Sears Tower
The Sears Tower, completed May 3, 1973, rises to a height of 1,450 feet and is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the Chicago skyline and in the world. The Sears tower held the record for the world’s tallest building for 25 years until the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia were built in 1998. Then in the Fall of 2004 Taipei 101 took all but one title -- tallest to the tips of the antennas, which the Sears Tower still owns. Including the Sears Tower antennas, the total height of the Sears Tower increases to 1,725 feet. Designed by the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill for Sears, Roebuck & Company, the world’s largest retailer at the time, the 3.8 million RSF building is the preeminent office address in Chicago and one of the premier properties in the world. The property provides an irreplaceable West Loop location, unparalleled views from all of the property’s highly efficient floors and an unmatched prestige.
April 6, 2007

April 4, 2007
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