May 31, 2007

research project----presentation

1. I really enjoyed the presentations. All the presentations were interesting. Everyone had their own style and did a good job. i believe all of us learn a lot from each presentation.
2. In fact I learned a lot about presentation techniques. One of the most important thing is the tone of voice. It is really important to present clearly and laudly. Moreover, contacting with audience is also necessary. If you look at the audience when you are presenting, audience are more interested in your presentation and more concentrate on it.
3. Doing a presentation with PowerPoint makes the presentation more interesting and clearer. However, it really costs a lot of time to do the PowerPoint. When I prepared my presentation, I just put the times and difficult companies’ name, etc on the PowerPoint. Otherwise I would not have enough time to practice the presentation.
4. Generally, I was satisfied with my presentation. The audience was interested with my topic and they asked different questions. Although some questions were difficult to answer, Lili helped me to explain. On the other hand, because I feel nerves while presenting, I read from the note sometimes.

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